4b: The Imperfect Crystal (1942b)


  • John Stuart Anderson The University of Melbourne


The second Liversidge Research Lecture by J.S. Anderson; delivered before the Royal Society of N.S.W. on August 19, 1942. Reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of New South Wales from J.Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 1942, 76, 345–358.

"In the formulation of our basic chemical theory, the study of gases and their generalised laws played, as every chemist and physicist recognises, a most significant part. During recent years we have acquired an entirely new insight into the constitution of the solid state of matter, which may well have a comparable effect in moulding our chemical outlook. This is especially true in the domain of inorganic chemistry, and the work of the Braggs and other pioneers in the field of crystal structure must be ranked, with Werner's theory, amongst the most important accessions to general chemical theory."

Author Biography

  • John Stuart Anderson, The University of Melbourne


    At the time of giving his two Liversidge Lectures in August and October of 1942, John Stuart Anderson was a Senior Lecturer at the University of Melbourne. A prolific researcher with a keen interest in solid-state and inorganic chemistry, over his career he was listed as the author or co-author of over 160 papers. Originally born in London, Anderson became Chair of Inorganic Chemistry at Oxford University, a position he held until his official retirement, though he continued his work in the field of chemistry until his death in 1990.


    For additional biographical information, photographic permissions, references and a list of honours and awards, please see pages 2–5 of the transcript.


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John Stuart Anderson portrait and lecture name
