28: Bonding and Non-Bonding (1992)


  • Sever Sternhell Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Sydney


Liversidge Research Lecture, delivered before the Royal Society of New South Wales, 14 October, 1992. Reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of New South Wales from J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 1993, 126, 1354-143.

"Over the last 10 years our group has carried out two parallel experimental investigations in physical-organic chemistry. The first one dealt with the development of a new experimental parameter for the determination of the π-bond order of the carbon-carbon double bond and the utilisation of this new parameter in the determination of the ground-state electronic structures of some unsaturated systems."

"The second investigation dealt with the limitations of a previously proposed (Bott, Field and Sternhell, 1980) semi-quantitative treatment for predicting the severity (energy penalty) of repulsive non-bonded interactions from purely structural parameters."

Author Biography

  • Sever Sternhell, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Sydney

    Sever Sternhell was born in Lwow, Poland, and arrived in Australia after WWII, receiving just one year of formal schooling in Australia before graduating BSc with first class honours from the University of Sydney. He worked in industry, including at the CSIRO, until 1964, with a leave of absence to undertake a PhD at Imperial College, London, before becoming a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney. In 1977 he was appointed Professor, a position he held until his retirement in 1998 as Emeritus Professor. In 1992 he was also the Chairman of the Australian Research Council.


    For additional biographical information, photographic permissions, references and a list of honours, awards and publications, please see pages 2–4 of the transcript.


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Crossley, M.J., Harding, M.M. and Sternhell, S., 1992. Use of NMR spectroscopy to determine bond orders between β- and β'-pyrrolic positions of porphyfins: structural differences between free-base and metalloporphyrins. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114, 3266.

Gready, J.E., Hambley, T.W., Kakiuchi, K., Kobiro, K., Sternhell, S., Tansey, C.W. and Tobe, Y., 1990. NMR studies of bond order in distorted aromatic systems. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 112, 7537-7540.

Gready, J.E., Hatton, P.M. and Sternhell, S., 1992. NMR studies of bond-order in heteroaromatic systems. J. Heterocyclic Chem., 29, 935.

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Portrait of Sever Sternhell.
