31: New Molecular Receptors for Small Molecules and Ions (1998)


  • Leonard Francis Lindoy School of Chemistry, University of Sydney


Liversidge Research Lecture delivered before The Royal Society of New South Wales at Sydney University, 1st July, 1998. Reproduced by permission of the Royal Society of New South Wales from J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 1998, 131, 65-75.

"New macrocyclic and cage-like receptors have been synthesised. The host-guest complexation behaviour of these species with metal cations and, in one instance, organic guests has been investigated using a range of physical and computational techniques. Emphasis in these studies has been given to the development of systems showing selective host-guest complexation behaviour."

Author Biography

  • Leonard Francis Lindoy, School of Chemistry, University of Sydney


    After obtaining an American Army Scholarship, Leonard (Len) Francis Lindoy graduated with a PhD in 1968 from UNSW. He then travelled to Ohio State University to work on macrocyclic ligand complexes. In 1970 he was appointed lecturer at James Cook University, beginning his academic career in Australia. In 1996 he became the Head of Department and Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Sydney. He is currently Emeritus Professor at the University.


    For additional biographical information, photographic permissions, references and a list of honours, awards and publications, please see pages 2–4 of the transcript.


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Atkinson, I.M. and Lindoy, L.F., 1998. Unpublished work.

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Portrait of Leonard Francis Lindoy.
