The HSC syllabus changeover and first year student experiences in physics and biology


  • Chris Stewart
  • Manjula Sharma
  • Mary Peat
  • Charlotte Taylor
  • Elizabeth May
  • Rosanne Quinnell
  • Michael Prosser
  • Peter Logan


Student approaches to learning vary from surface approaches to meaningful, deep learning practices. Differences in approach may be related to students’ conceptions of the subject, perceptions of the learning environment, prior experiences studying the subject and performance on assessment. Investigating these issues provides insight into student learning processes, a powerful evaluation and feedback process for improving tertiary science teaching and learning. We are in a unique position to investigate the effects of recent changes in the NSW HSC syllabus by examining differences in student learning from 2001 (the final intake taught primarily under the old HSC) to 2002 and beyond, and to study how the transition from HSC to first year university affects student learning.


