Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel (rev.)
Works Cited
Bailin, Miriam. The Sickroom in Victorian Fiction: The Art of Being Ill. Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 1995.
Blair, Kirstie. “Pathologizing the Victorians.” Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory 3.2 (2002): 138-43.
Charon, Rita. “Narrative Medicine: A Model for Empathy, Reflection, Profession, and Trust.” The Journal of the American Medical Association 286.15 (2001): 1897-902.
Cooter, Roger. “The Traffic in Victorian Bodies: Medicine, Literature, and History.” Victorian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Social, Political, and Cultural Studies 45. 3 (2003): 513-27.
Kaplan, Laurie, and Richard S. Kaplan. “What Is Wrong with Marianne? Medicine and Disease in Jane Austen.” Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America 12 (1990): 117-30.
Ruskin, John. “Fiction, Fair and Foul.” The Works of John Ruskin. Eds. E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. London: Longmans, Green, 1908. 265–397.
Winter, Alison. “Harriet Martineau and the Reform of the Invalid in Victorian England.” The Historical Journal 38.3 (1995): 597-616.