Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022): Pre-Raphaelitism in Australasia (Part 2)

J. W. Wilson (after Edward Burne-Jones), King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid (1906). Oil on canvas. 161.1 cm x 75.2 cm. Accession number 1913.9. Gift of Mr. W. Drummond, 1913. Bendigo Art Gallery. Photo: Ian Hill.

Part 2 of a Special Issue on Pre-Raphaelitism in Australasia; Part 1 was published in 2018 as AJVS Vol. 22.2.

Special Issue Guest Editor, Alison Inglis, and Co-editor Meg Tasker

Dedicated to the memory of Angus Trumble 

J. W. Wilson (after Edward Burne-Jones), King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid (1906). Oil on canvas. 161.1 cm x 75.2 cm. Bendigo Art Gallery (Fig. 3 in Editorial Introduction)

Published: 2022-10-19