Stakeholder dynamics in Environmental Policy Making in Kazakhstan


  • Darzhan Kazbekova Ph.D. candidate, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University



environmental policy, policy learning, policy subsystem, stakeholder dynamics


This study explores the potential of stakeholder dynamics as they affect policy learning among government administrators in Kazakhstan, particularly in the case of the implementation of the Concept of Transition of Kazakhstan to a “Green Economy” (The Concept). While the Concept represents a commitment to strengthening environmental protection and policymaking in the country, the nine years since its adoption have revealed certain deficiencies. Based on field research conducted between May 2020 and September 2021, I have found that stakeholders in advocacy coalitions hold different views on the implementation of the Concept. One example of the many barriers to realizing the “green economy” goals is related to economic performance, which benefits from hydrocarbon and fossil fuel development. My research illustrates that the government has not emphasized collaboration with non-governmental stakeholders within its efforts to realize a Green Economy policy.

Author Biography

Darzhan Kazbekova, Ph.D. candidate, Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Syracuse University

Social Science program, Ph.D. candidate


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