Entrepreneurial training project in China: Retraining laid-off workers


  • Bingxin Wang RMIT University
  • Athena Vongalis-Macrow Deakin University


Despite the tremendous economic progress made by the Chinese economy, averaging a nine percent growth per year, one section of the community remains outside the economic boom. As state-owned enterprises (SOEs) restructure into more efficient organisations able to compete in the global economy, the plight of workers within these enterprises has become a pressing issue.  No longer able to depend on a job for life, these workers present challenges for local governments. One initiative proposed by the International Labour Organisation called the Start Your Own Business (SYB) Program has been identified as a way to retrain laid-off workers, xiagang. By focussing on one city in China, this paper analyses some of the key issues associated with this program. Using anecdotal evidence from workers who have undergone the retraining, the paper has identified at least three areas of concern for workers participating in the SYB retraining program. Access to seed funding, the implementation of knowledge and skills into practice, and furthering support and guidance in market analysis remain issues for the continued success of this program.

Author Biographies

  • Bingxin Wang, RMIT University
    Bingxin Wang is the China Program Coordinator and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health Sciences at RMIT University. Her background is in Educational Psychology, Cross Cultural and Comparative Education, International Educational Training, and Chinese Culture and Society.  She has published in the field of cross cultural and comparative education and internationalisation, specifically in relation to teaching and learning practices.
  • Athena Vongalis-Macrow, Deakin University

    Athena Vongalis-Macrow is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Art and Education at Deakin University. Her background is in Educational Sociology, International Education, Education Reform, Education Management and Policy. She has published in the field of globalisation and internationalisation, specifically in relation to teachers’ work and practices, leadership and education policy and education reform.






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