International Education Journal, 6 (1) 2005


  • Various authors, IEJ


Volume 6 Number 1 March 2005


Testing Educational System Typologies using Colombian data
Parra, C.M. and Yano, M.


Work and Learning: The implications for Thai transnational distance learners
Crossman, J.


A cross-age study on the understanding of chemical solutions and their components
Calik, M. and Ayas, A.


Women and education in Saudi Arabia: Challenges and achievements
Hamdan, A.


Zimbabwe's public education system reforms: Successes and challenges
Kanyongo, G.Y.


Examining the purpose of technical education in Zimbabwe's high schools
Mupinga, D.M., Burnett, M.F. and Redmann, D.H.


Co-national support, cultural therapy, and the adjustment of Asian students to an English-speaking university culture
Major, E.M.


Parents' and teachers' perception of selection as a factor of quality in the curriculum process in Nigeria
Iyamu, E.O.S.


Family background, adolescents' educational aspirations, and Australian young adults' educational attainment
Marjoribanks, K.


Factors influencing reading achievement in Germany and Spain: Evidence from PISA 2000
Kotte, D., Lietz, P. and Martinez Lopez, M.






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