Privacy Policy


This is a privacy policy which outlines what kind of personal (or sensitive) information is collected, how it is handled and your rights regarding your own information. It pertains to the activities of Australian Political Economy Students' Association in publishing Student Political Economy Review. If you interact with the association in another capacity, this policy may not be applicable to those dealings.

This policy does not apply to information and dealings with the University of Sydney more generally, including other pages on its website.

Collection of personal information

In creating an account on this site, the some personal information may be asked of you. For the sake of identifying you, we might ask for:

  • Your name
  • Your ORCID-iD, if you have one
  • Your affiliation, or which university you are attending
  • Your residential address (only if you become a volunteer)
  • Your phone number or email address
  • Your pronouns or gender identity

Your name is linked to your account so that we know how to refer to you. You are entitled to use a pseudonym if you wish. Your ORCID-iD or institutional affiliation might be used to verify your qualifications, or will be listed against your name if you publish with us. Your contact information and address are used to draft legal documents that you sign when you volunteer with us. (This does not apply to authors or reviewers.)

At no point will we request official identification for the sake of proving your identity. Unless you enter legal relations with us, you do not need to provide a legal name.

Disclosure (sharing)

The information collected by this site is accessible only to Journal managers and staff at the University of Sydney Library. If you consent to signing on with your ORCID-iD, this will be sent to ORCID for verification so that we can link your accounts. You will be asked to agree to this disclosure when linking your account.

By default, your institutional affiliation will be listed next to your name in both online and print editions of Student Political Economy Review, though you can ask us to have this removed. Reviewer names and affiliations are never shared publicly, and never shared with the author of the work that is being reviewed.

You can ask not to have your name included on the Masthead page of this site.

Rights and choices

At any time, you can:

  • Ask what information we keep about you
  • Update information we keep about you
  • Ask questions about this policy or enquire about why we keep particular information
  • Ask us to delete information (we will specify to what extent this is possible)
  • Ask that some information be withheld from public view, in particular—
    • Your institutional affiliation and/or your name from publication
    • Your ORCID-iD
    • Your pronouns or gender identity

How to make a complaint or enquire

There is no specific form or facility which you must use to lodge a complaint, if you believe that we have mishandled your personal information or privacy.

You are suggested to email one of the Managing Editors (see the Contact page on this site). However, all senior editors are required to take seriously any complaints that are made to them, no matter what form they come in. This could include:

  • A private message
  • Messaging our social media accounts
  • Leaving a comment on one of our posts
  • Sending us an email
  • Writing a letter to us

For specific enquiries about how our digital infrastructure handles your information, you could reach out to the IT team at [email protected]. Otherwise, email the Managing Editors.

For hardcopy written communication, please address your mail to:

Attn: Managing Editors
Australian Political Economy Students' Association
Gadigal Country
A02 Social Sciences Building
University of Sydney
Camperdown NSW 2050