The Influence of Late Medieval Crucifixion Images on the Showings of Julian of Norwich


  • Kerrie Hide Australian Catholic University


'The Revelations of Divine Love', composed by Julian of Norwich, reflects the first attempt by a woman to create in English a theological composition that gives insights into the meaning of Trinitarian love expressed in her understanding of divine providence and Jesus' saving passion. Scholars generally agree that Julian wrote the short text shortly after a visionary experience during prayer on May 13, 1373, and the more theological long text after twenty years of reflection on the meaning of the showings or visions. Julian records in both texts that during a severe illness, as a priest places a crucifix before her, her gaze transforms into a profound experience of union with the divine communicated through vivid visual and auditory phenomena.

Author Biography

  • Kerrie Hide, Australian Catholic University
    Australian Catholic University
