Research Reflection

Misunderstanding and marginalization: An in-depth interview of how the deteriorating relationship between Australia and China has affected Chinese students at the University of Sydney since the pandemic


  • Liuyang Shao The University of Sydney


Research, Chinese, Australian, Students, Pandemic


This paper draws on an assessment task within a Bachelor of Social Work program. The unit aims to help students develop an understanding of the ways social workers use research in different practice contexts: assessing community needs, formulating policies, developing new services, evaluating programs, enhancing social work practice and developing theory. Students are introduced to quantitative and qualitative approaches and methods in social work research, in the context of specific practice fields including mental health, domestic violence, community development and policy advocacy. The unit required students to develop and implement a small-scale research project. This paper includes a discussion of what worked well, what could be change in the future and a reflection on how research skills may be useful for future practice as social workers.


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Student Papers exploring social justice