Australian Government Social Policy- Where are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Positioned in Policy-making?


  • Cynthia Briggs


Policy, Aboriginal social policy, socio-economic outcomes, closing the gap, policy analysis


For too long Australian State and Federal, Governments have excluded Australian Aboriginal people from the planning, design, and implementation stages of social policies. Annually updated socio-economic outcomes for Aboriginal Australians in the Closing the Gap Report reveal a “minimal change in health and education outcomes, housing needs, and socio-economic outcomes” (Lowitja Institute, 2022, p. 14). The data from the 2022 Productivity Commission Report confirm this statement stating that “Education, employment, health and wellbeing, interaction with the criminal justice system, access to land and waters, and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and languages” (Productivity Commission, 2022, p. 19) are targeted areas for improvement in socio-economic outcomes.

The design and implementation of Government social policies is a critical point of engagement between Aboriginal Australians and Australian Commonwealth and State Governments. Changing socio-economic outcomes require a major shift in how, why, and what policies are being planned, as well as ascertaining who will be responsible for the implementation. Being able to navigate a complex system of bureaucracy means having a presence in that process. Without a presence it is difficult to achieve targeted outcomes that are identified, to improve socio-economic living standards. Historically, Governments control and manage policy-making however, it is essential for Aboriginal people to access key entry points of policy-making, to secure Aboriginal involvement; Aboriginal decision-making and finding solutions to ongoing policy issues, that have occurred for many years.

Author Biography

  • Cynthia Briggs

    Southern Cross University

    Lismore NSW, 2480



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