What are the factors that influence outcomes for unaccompanied humanitarian refugee minors leaving out-of-home care in Australia
care leavers, Unaccompanied humanitarian refugee minors, out-of-home care, social support networksAbstract
Unaccompanied humanitarian refugee minors (UHRMs) are recognized globally as a vulnerable group due to their traumatic experiences in their country of origin, and distinct challenges resettling in a new country with limited if any family supports and ambiguous legal status. To date, there has been little research on their experiences within the out-of-home care (OOHC) system in Australia. This paper presents the findings of a small exploratory study, based on semi-structured interviews with young people and support workers, examining the factors that influence their outcomes when transitioning from OOHC at no later than 18 years. The findings suggest that the availability of social support networks plays a key role in enabling them to access their core housing, education, employment and health care needs.
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