About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Manuscripts submitted for publication in TELOPEA are published online, after peer review and acceptance by the TELOPEA Editorial Committee and when final editorial formatting has been completed. The journal specialises in plant systematics and phylogeny. The geographic scope of the journal encompasses Australia, Malesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The suitability of a work for the journal depends on the topic and the region of origin, generally the narrower the focus of the manuscript the closer to New South Wales must be its geographic focus.
As a general guide, we will consider:
1) revisionary treatments and other substantial bodies of work from any of the regions mentioned above.
2) new species from any Australian state.
3) new country records for Australia from any state.
4) new state records from New South Wales only.
However, we aim to support botanical research across the broader Australasian and Pacific region, and will consider submissions on their merit.
Generally we will not consider extraterritorial new country records, or single lectotypification papers unless they pertain to New South Wales taxa, or have significant bearing on the Australian flora.
Please contact the editor for more information.

Peer Review Process

All papers will be refereed by international experts. Authors are encouraged to have their papers reviewed by colleagues prior to submission.
Please have your manuscript proof-read by a native English speaker.

Publication Frequency

Individual contributions are published online as soon as they are ready in digital format. Printed copy is no longer produced.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


All papers published are now released under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC) and by submitting papers to TELOPEA, authors and their institutions agree to the conditions of this licence. Any commercial requests for reproduction of content should be addressed to the Editor.


  • National Herbarium of New South Wales (Botanic Gardens of Sydney, New South Wales Government)

Journal History

A journal specialising in plant systematics, published since 1975.
This journal superceded Contributions of the New South Wales National Herbarium which was published from 1939–1973.