The identity and taxonomic status of the rare Angophora/Eucalyptus exul (Myrtaceae) from the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales.
Eucalyptus, Angophora, Myrtaceae, exul, hybrid, Gibraltar Rock, New South Wales, EndangeredAbstract
Since its description in 1997, the taxonomic status of Angophora/Eucalyptus exul has been contentious, partly due to the uncertain identity of the type specimen, which was collected in 1996 from Gibraltar Rock on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales. Through careful observations at the type location in association with some luck, we have been able to positively identify the type tree in the field. This tree is regarded by us to be a hybrid individual of two other Angophoraspecies that are common at the site, A. floribunda/E. florida and A./E. leiocarpa. On this basis, we recommend that A./E. exul be removed from New South Wales threatened species legislation.References
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