Taxonomy, new species, kimberley, Utricularia, lentibulariaceae
Two new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from the North West region of Western Australia. Utricularia
byrneana R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro and U. wannanii R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro are described as new and are considered
members of Utricularia subgen. Polypompholyx section Pleiochasia. The distribution and habitat preferences
of these species are discussed. Two individual taxonomic keys are provided representing the groups in which
the new species are most likely to be closely related. Specifically, Utricularia byrneana is compared with species
from Western Australia possessing hollow peduncles namely U. fistulosa P.Taylor and U. tubulata F. Muell.,
while U. wannanii is compared to species possessing connate bracts and bracteoles namely U. dunlopii P.Taylor,
U. georgei P.Tayor and U. kimberleyensis C.A.Gardener, as well as close relative U. uniflora R.Br.
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