General practice registrars’ clinical uncertainty, and in-consultation information- and assistance-seeking


  • Parker Magin University of Newcastle School of Medicine and Public Health
  • Georga Cooke Primary Care Clinical Unit, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
  • Amanda Tapley Research and Evaluation Unit, GP Synergy Regional Training Organisation, Newcastle, Australia
  • Susan Wearne Academic Unit of General Practice, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
  • Elizabeth Holliday School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia
  • Simon Morgan GP Synergy Regional Training Organisation, Newcastle, Australia
  • Jean Ball Statistical Support Unit (CReDITSS), Hunter Medical Research Institute, Newcastle, Australia
  • Neil Spike Eastern Victoria General Practice Training, Hawthorn, Australia
  • Mieke van Driel Primary Care Clinical Unit, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia



Purpose: To explore the association of Australian general practitioner (GP) registrars’ responses to uncertainty with their in-consultation information-, advice- and assistance-seeking.

Design/methodology/approach: A cross-sectional analysis of data from the Registrar Clinical Encounters in Training (ReCEnT) cohort study in four Australian states. In ReCEnT, GP registrars record details of 60 consecutive consultations, six-monthly, three times during training.

Outcome factors in logistic regression models included whether the registrar sought in-consultation information or assistance from (i) their supervisor or (ii) an electronic or paper-based source. Independent variables were the four independent subscales of the Physicians’ Reaction to Uncertainty (PRU) instrument, as well as registrar, practice and consultation variables.

Findings: 589 registrars contributed details of 70,412 consultations.

On multivariable analysis, scores on the two ‘affective’ PRU subscales ‘anxiety regarding diagnosis/management’ (OR 1.03; 95% confidence intervals [CIs] [1.01, 1.05], p = 0.003) and ‘concern about a bad outcome’ (OR 1.03; 95% CIs [1.01, 1.06], p = 0.008) were significantly associated with seeking supervisor assistance. There was no association with ‘behavioural’ subscales ‘reluctance to disclose uncertainty to patients’ and ‘reluctance to disclose mistakes to physicians’.

None of the PRU subscales were significantly associated with information-seeking from electronic or hard copy sources.

Research implications: Further research is required to explore the role of uncertainty within registrar–supervisor interactions and to define the role of supervisors in registrars’ functional adaptation to clinical uncertainty (including how best to support and train supervisors in this role).

Practical implications: GP registrars’ ‘affective’ responses to clinical uncertainty are associated with assistance-seeking from clinical supervisors. While in-consultation assistance-seeking may promote registrars’ tolerance of uncertainty, it may also contribute to supervisor workload.

Originality/value: This is the first study to examine trainees’ levels of uncertainty and their seeking of information and assistance.

Limitations: We have not investigated whether registrars’ seeking assistance resolved or attenuated, for the index problem, their anxiety or concern.


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Author Biographies

Parker Magin, University of Newcastle School of Medicine and Public Health

Conjoint Professor, Discipline of General Practice, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle

Georga Cooke, Primary Care Clinical Unit, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Honorary Senior Lecturer, Primary Care Clinical Unit and Head of the Discipline of General Practice in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Queensland.

Amanda Tapley, Research and Evaluation Unit, GP Synergy Regional Training Organisation, Newcastle, Australia

Senior Research Officer and Statistician

Elizabeth Holliday, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia

Associate Professor of Biostatistics in the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Newcastle, and a senior statistical affiliate of the Statistical Support Unit (CReDITSS) at the Hunter Medical Research Institute

Simon Morgan, GP Synergy Regional Training Organisation, Newcastle, Australia

Senior Medical Educator, Hunter, Manning and Central Coast GP Synergy

Jean Ball, Statistical Support Unit (CReDITSS), Hunter Medical Research Institute, Newcastle, Australia

Statistician with the Clinical Research Design, IT and Statistical Support Unit (CReDITSS) of the Hunter Medical Research Institute in Newcastle NSW

Neil Spike, Eastern Victoria General Practice Training, Hawthorn, Australia

Director of Training at Eastern Victoria General Practice Training and a Professorial Fellow at Department of General Practice, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Science, The University of Melbourne

Mieke van Driel, Primary Care Clinical Unit, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

General Practitioner and Head of the Primary Care Clinical Unit and Mayne Academy of General Practice in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Queensland


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How to Cite

Magin, P., Cooke, G., Tapley, A., Wearne, S., Holliday, E., Morgan, S., … van Driel, M. (2021). General practice registrars’ clinical uncertainty, and in-consultation information- and assistance-seeking. Health Education in Practice: Journal of Research for Professional Learning, 4(1).


