International Education Journal, 6 (2) 2005


  • Various authors, IEJ


Volume 6 Number 2 May 2005
Special Issue: International Perspectives on Giftedness


International perspectives on giftedness: Experimental and cultural observations of IQ and creativity with implications for curriculum and policy design
McCann, M.


Identifying stressors and reactions to stressors in gifted and non-gifted students
Amini, M.


Ability grouping for mathematically gifted adolescent boys
Banfield, T.


Providing a culturally responsive environment for gifted Maori learners
Bevan-Brown, J.


Policy development and practice - the New South Wales experience
Chessman, A.


Critical curriculum components in programs for young gifted learners
Gibson, K. and Mitchell, L.A.


The applied music lesson: Teaching gifted and talented students utilizing principles of comprehensive musicianship
Heavner, T.


Differences in problem solving strategies of mathematically gifted and non-gifted elementary students
Heinze, A.


Combining moral philosophy and moral reasoning: The PAVE moral reasoning strategy
Henderson, L.


The relationship between creative thinking ability and creative personality of 4 to 5 year-old preschoolers
Lee, K-H.


Humour in cognitive and social development: Creative artists and class clowns
Jewell, P.


Talent in the new millennium: A two-year research study of gifted education
Keen, D.


Gifted children's relationships with teachers
Kesner, J.E.


A decade comparison: Self-concept of gifted and non-gifted adolescents
Kong, Y. and Zhu H.


Perfectionism and the gifted: A study of an Australian School sample
Kornblum, M. and Ainley, M.


Exploring perceptions of giftedness in the Cook Islands Maori community
Miller, G.


Some current findings on the brain characteristics of the math gifted adolescent
O'Boyle, M.W.


Divergence and convergence of mental forces of children in open and closed mathematical problems
Sak, U. and Maker, C.J.


Evaluation of an elementary classroom self-regulated learning program for gifted math underachievers
Stoeger, H. and Ziegler, A.


Assessing creativity: The test for creative thinking - drawing production (TCT-DP)
Urban, K.K.


Creativity of the disaffected gifted
Yeung, A.S., Chow, P.Y. and Chow, C.W.






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