Gains in Learning Outcomes of College Students in Japan: Comparative Study between Academic Fields


  • Reiko Yamada Doshisha University


comparative education, higher education, college impact


Currently, gains in learning outcomes of college students become the major concern for Japanese higher education institutions. Actually, in recent decades, national and public as well as private universities have been forced to embed learning outcomes into their curriculum. Many previous studies have shown that the learning outcomes of students are strongly associated with the quality of pedagogy and student experience. This paper explores to grasp the association of college experiences with degree of learning between academic fields through a nationwide research for student self-reported survey so called JCIRP. The findings suggest that faculty engagement and student experience appear to play a pivotal role in acquisition of knowledge and skills. Based on the findings of this study, it is suggested that pedagogical approach should be improved by embedding aspects of interactive teaching and learning in the classroom setting and in the whole curriculum.

Author Biography

  • Reiko Yamada, Doshisha University

    Department of Education and Culture, Faculty of Social Studies,


    Director of Center for Higher Education and Student Research


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