

  • Amanda Howard
  • Margot Rawsthorne


There is currently considerable interest and investment in developing social programs and policies that focus on working with communities in Australia. At a broad level, our work with communities is shaped by ongoing and entrenched inequality; the impact of the globalisation; the threat of climate change and natural disasters; the ongoing effect on practice of new managerialism; and three decades of neo-liberal state interventions. At the same time, culturally we have a heightened awareness of individual difference, choice and identities (Leadbeater 2004). The idea that a good life means individuals must have decision-making power, support and services should be flexible and designed in a way tailored to individual strengths, needs and experiences, is surely a step in the right direction (Beresford et al 2011).


Beresford, P., Flemming, J., Glynn, M., Bewley, C., Croft, S., Branfield, F. & Postle, K. (2011), Supporting people: Towards a person-centred approach. Policy press, Bristol.

Leadbeater, C. (2004) Personalisation through participation: A new script for public services. Demos, London.


