The CASE Methodology: A guide to developing clinically authentic case-based scenarios for online learning programs targeting evidence-based practice


  • Tim Shaw RISe, The University of Sydney
  • Anna Janssen RISe, The University of Sydney
  • Stewart Barnet
  • James Nicholson Learning and Teaching Centre, Australian Catholic University
  • Jennifer Avery
  • Nicole Heneka Faculty of Health, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
  • Jane Phillips Faculty of Health, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)


18 June 2018 Corrigendum: It has come to the attention of the Editorial Team that an error in the article by Shaw et al (2018) was published. Following publication, the authors notified that an author’s name was incorrectly spelt (Nicole Henenka). The correct spelling is: Nicole Heneka.

Correct article details:
'The CASE Methodology: A guide to developing clinically authentic case-based scenarios for online learning programs targeting evidence-based practice' by Tim Shaw, Anna Janssen, Stewart Barnet, James Nicholson, Jennifer Avery, Nicole Heneka, Jane Phillips, published in Health Education in Practice: Journal of Research for Professional Learning, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018.

Introduction: Online learning has become an increasingly common means of delivering healthcare professional education. Case-based scenarios are the foundation of many continuing professional development (CPD) activities. No framework currently exists to ensure the development of quality, evidence-based cases despite the weighted importance case-based scenarios have on improving participant learning. The aim of the project was to develop a systematic framework for generating evidence-based case-based scenarios for learning.

Methodology: A literature review was conducted to determine whether a case development framework or resources currently existed, of which few were found. The authors’ previous experiences and lessons learnt in developing case-based scenarios was integrated into the framework. Adult learning theory and evidence from the literature was also applied in the framework development process.

Results: A framework that entailed a systematic approach to developing evidence-based case scenarios was developed, called the CASE methodology. This framework ensures a Collaborative approach to developing Authentic and Succinct case scenarios that are founded on the Embedding best available evidence.

Conclusion: The CASE framework is a concise approach to developing quality case studies that are grounded on evidence. The CASE methodology could be easily applied to CPD development in many contexts to improve the overall consistency and quality of case scenarios for learning.


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How to Cite

Shaw, T., Janssen, A., Barnet, S., Nicholson, J., Avery, J., Heneka, N., & Phillips, J. (2018). The CASE Methodology: A guide to developing clinically authentic case-based scenarios for online learning programs targeting evidence-based practice. Health Education in Practice: Journal of Research for Professional Learning, 1(1). Retrieved from


