Sydney Harbour
A three day conference hosted by the Sydney School of Education and Social Work - 25th-27th November, 2024

Over the past four decades, Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) has achieved a large body of research by scholars around the world. As a result, CLT has grown and expanded significantly, becoming a leading theory in the field of learning and instruction. 

As researchers increasingly combine it with other theories of learning and instruction, CLT has evolved into an interdisciplinary theory. The conference will reflect this growing diversity of topics and research directions.

Call for abstracts

Abstracts for empirical or theoretical paper submissions should have a maximum of 4,500 characters (not including title, author information, and the reference list).

Abstract for posters (research at an earlier stage) should have a maximum of 3,500 characters (not including title, author information, and the reference list).

Note that it is possible to submit an abstract even if the data are not available at the time of submission (but at the time of the conference).

Please use this template for paper or poster abstracts.

Please note: To submit your abstract, you will first need to register as an Author with Open Journal Systems. If you're already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

Please submit your abstract here.