Student Relationship Engagement System Community of Practice (SRES-CoP)


  • Shane Michael Wilkinson School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
  • Timothy Lee School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
  • Francesca T. van den Berg School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
  • Alexandra Yeung School of Molecular and Life Sciences, Curtin University, Perth WA 6845, Australia


student engagement, feedback, teaching on scale, assessments, personalised learning, student experience


NOTE: It is recommended you bring a laptop to this workshop but not essential.


To deliver a hands-on workshop that will expand knowledge on SRES, derive inspiration through demonstrated practices and develop networks with SRES users across the institutions.


The Student Relationship Engagement System (SRES) is a bespoke student engagement system that allows you collect, filter and output student data. Data can be collected from direct input, learning management system (LMS) synchronisation or directly from the student themselves. The information output can be as simple as a filtered spreadsheet through to automated emails and webpages. This output can be tailored to teachers (eg listing at-risk students) or students (eg providing personalised messages or feedback). The multitude of functions and options that SRES provides has resulted in unique and innovative applications of SRES which deserve recognition.


In this session, we will share our collective experiences and practices of SRES across a range of disciplines and Australian institutions. Participants from all science disciplines and SRES experience (or lack of) are invited. For new or non-SRES users, it’s an opportunity to see what SRES is and what applications are possible. For experienced users, the workshop can facilitate the implementation of more advanced practices or inspire new ways to utilise SRES. Overall, the objective of the workshop is to capture how educators use SRES and to establish a network of users that can facilitate support beyond this workshop.


Through this workshop we aim to facilitate the following deliverable outcomes:

  • Introduce SRES and hear some SRES experiences and practices from a panel of SRES users;
  • Collect a list of SRES practices and their creators (to share with the community);
  • Demonstration: Escape room-style Lab Safety Activity
  • Dedicated time for participants to interact with SRES mentors to troubleshoot their current SRES issues or build a practical solution to ideas they wish to implement in SRES.
  • Introduction (10 mins) – What is SRES? How does it work?
  • Panel examples (40 mins) – How have the workshop panelist used SRES in their practices?
  • Workshop task (20 mins) – How do you use SRES in your practices?
  • Networking Session (20 mins) –Talk ideas or troubleshoot SRES challenges with colleagues and workshop panelists.



