Building a novel online connected curriculum for Environmental Science.



innovation pedagogy, peer facilitation, Workplace integrated learning, online course design



Environmental Science is part of a multidisciplinary community which integrates with a wider community including social norms and cultural practices. This requires that the pedagogical methods enable the application of theory to practice, and emulate both research and employment activities Within a curriculum framework, this provides challenges to offer authentic opportunities across many disciplines while addressing course review, recommendations especially for a growing online cohort that have requested more industry exposure, and collaborative skills development.


The overall approach within the B. Environmental Science, at a regional university, was revised based upon Innovation Pedagogy for Applied Science (Konst and Mertanen, 2020) and the Connected Curriculum approach of Fung (2017.). Together, these models aim to develop applied proficiencies in graduates, and developing student networks with peers and practitioners to connect academic and workplace learning. A strategic aspect of the degree framework since 2022, provides a core single linear module (aka ‘Spine Unit’), extending from the first to last year of the degree, connecting pedagogical activity beyond traditional course structures. This program aims to build a community of peers, develop reflective learning practice, and embed industry engagement enabling students to become adaptable graduates.



We have completed a three year cycle of the online focused program, ‘Environment in Practice’, with adaptive changes in structure and content directed from ongoing student feedback. We present the progressive program tenet and themes, and provide voluntary survey responses from students who have completed the 2nd and 3rd year of study, including an integrated (20h) work placement.



The course coordinator is humbled by the opportunity for exclusive interactions with students regarding their study aims and life circumstances. Understanding that many students have a foot in the environment industry, or have chosen a major career shift, targeted ongoing curricula changes. Despite only moderate synchronous engagement online, most students voiced benefits of virtual opportunities for discussions with peers, and comparing perspectives of guest researchers and industry employers. With the exception of a two students who were already established in industry, many welcomed the workplace opportunity, and how the program supported the broader degree.



Konst, T., & Kairisto-Mertanen, L. (2020). Developing innovation pedagogy approach.On the Horizon, 28(1), 45-54.

Fung, D. (2017).A connected curriculum for higher education(p. 182). Ucl Press.


Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, The University of Canberra, 18 – 19 September 2024, page X, ISSN Number TBA.



Author Biography

  • Adrienne Burns, University of New England
    Lecturer: Biology & Environmental Science First Year Coordinator Schools of Science & Technology and Environmental & Rural Science


