Preferred delivery For lectures

What do Students choose And why?


  • Jinghan Fu University of Sydney
  • Kevin Fu University of Sydney
  • Diana Warren Sydney University


Although decreasing student attendance at classes is often decried by academics, the reality is that today’s university students commonly juggle their study alongside many other factors, including part-time work, caring responsibilities, and leisure. Additionally, many students are studying in the context of significant mental health pressures. This naturally leads to a strategic approach to their learning, as they navigate what to learn and when. In terms of live lectures, four common approaches emerge: attending live lectures, watching the live stream, watching the video recording, and reading the notes. Of these multiple deliveries, what do students prefer and why?

Our study focuses on an exit survey from a large first-year cohort in data science at the University of Sydney. The survey asked students for their main and back-up methods of learning lecture material, and then to explain their reasoning, Using mixed methods, we find interesting trends in what students choose, and rich insights into the many factors affecting their choices. This leads to implications and strategies for how lectures are prepared and delivered.


