Temporary Migrant Labour and Unpaid Work in Australia


  • Joanna Howe University of Adelaide
  • Andrew Stewart University of Adelaide
  • Rosemary Owens University of Adelaide


unpaid work, temporary migrant labour, international students, worker exploitation, migration policy


Increasing attention is being given to the exploitation of temporary migrant workers in Australia, especially in relation to wage underpayments and ‘cash-back scams’ where visa holders are coerced into returning a portion of their wage to their employer. However, very little focus has been given to the incidence of unpaid work performed by temporary migrants. This article examines how previous forms of regulation affecting visas for working holiday makers and international students actively encouraged the performance of unpaid work by allowing unpaid work to count towards either permanent residency or an extension of a visa holder’s temporary stay. The article also assesses the current regulation of temporary migrant workers and the likelihood that it creates incentives for this cohort to perform unpaid work. We argue that this likelihood largely stems from the employer-driven nature of Australia’s temporary and permanent migration program, and the ability for visa holders to achieve a favourable migration outcome through the performance of paid work, for which unpaid work is often a gateway.





