An Expatriated Adventurer: Charmian Clift and the Utopian Possibility


  • Susan Carson Queensland University of Technology


Expatriation, Charmian Clift, Utopian writing, Life writing, travel writing, Peel me a Lotus, Honour's Mimic, George Johnson, Images in Aspic


For 20 years Charmian Clift wrote fiction and non-fiction from locations in Australia, England and Greece. When she returned to Australia from Greece in 1964, she explored new career opportunities in newspapers and television. Throughout this long period of publication Clift worked on an autobiographical fiction that she hoped to publish when time permitted. This paper examines the dimensions of a utopian spirit that supported Clift’s journey across countries and genres in search of an authorial self in which she felt most ‘at home. Travel memoir, journalism and fiction, as well as extracts from Clift’s unfinished autobiographical work ‘The End of the Morning,’ are examined to describe her engagement with utopian principles as a way of achieving, through writing, social change and personal fulfilment.


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