Style guidelines

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  • Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text.
  • Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text.
  • Keep abbreviations to a minimum.

Article length

  • Education-in-practice papers (single blind peer review) - 500-2000 words in length excluding the reference list
  • Research and Evaluation articles (double blind peer review) – 4000-7000 words in length excluding the reference list.


  • Manuscript files can be in the following formats: Microsoft Word format DOC or Rich Text Format RTF
  • Microsoft Word documents should not be locked or protected
  • A PDF must be accompanied by a source file
  • See Figures/tables for acceptable figure file types


  • First level headings presented in bold
  • Subsequent sub-headings presented in italics
  • Consecutive numbering may be used, as appropriate to the levels

Language and spelling

  • English in Australian, British or American spelling

Layout and spacing

  • 1.5 spacing
  • Do not format text in multiple columns
  • The beginning of a paragraph is indicated by a space between paragraphs.


  • Notes or endnotes should be used only if absolutely necessary and must be identified in the text by consecutive numbers, enclosed in square brackets and listed at the end of the article.


  • In-text citations and a reference list included at the end of a manuscript
  • HEPJ uses the reference style, Author-date/Harvard, outlined by the Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, 6th edn, rev. Snooks & Co., Wiley, Milton, Qld.
  • Example formats and a guide was produced by The University of Sydney
  • Harvard_UQ is the recommended citation output style for EndNote and other reference management tools
In-text citations

Multiple authors (less than three)

‘&’ when enclosed in parentheses

(Malinowski, Miller & Gupta 1995)

‘And’ when the authors’ names are incorporated in the text

Malinowski, Miller and Gupta (1995) disagreed with …

Multiple authors (more than three authors or authoring bodies)

Show only the first-listed author or body followed by ‘et al.’

(Malinowski et al. 1999)

Malinowski et al. (1999) have found that…

Multiple references by the same author, published in different years

Arrange citations in chronological order by date of publication, separated by a comma (if no page number is listed), or with a semicolon after the page number.

(Public Land Use Commission 1996, 1997)

The Public Land Use Commission (1996, 1997) reported on …

(Public Land Use Commission 1996, p. 237; 1997, p. 159)

Multiple references by the same author, published in the same year

Distinguish by attaching a lower-case letter of the alphabet to the publication date. The order of the listing is by the letter-by-letter alphabetical order of the titles. Identifying letters are retained in the reference list.

(ACOSS 1997a, 1997b)

(ACOSS 1997a, 1997b; Malinowski 1999)

Multiple references by the same group of authors/
authoring bodies, published in the same year

Display the names of enough authors to show the difference between in-text citations.

(Malinowski, Larsen, Ngu & Barlen 1999)

(Malinowski, Larsen, Ngu & Fairweather 1999)

(Malinowski, Miller et al. 1999)

Citing page numbers

Separated from the year by a comma with the abbreviations p. and pp

The initiative was proposed in 1996 (Tourism Taskforce 1996, p. 245)

Hamilton (1994, pp. 145-7) was the first…

The Commission reported … (1996, pp. 27-45; 1997, p. 118)

Citing other elements of a work

Use the abbreviations vol., vols, sec., secs, eq. and eqs for volume, section, equation or other element of a work in the in-text citation

(Public Land Commission 1996, vol. 2)

(Hamilton 1994, sec. 2, 7)

(Larsen 2000, eqs 2-6)

Citing multiple works at one point

Separated by a semicolon and presented alphabetically.

(Larsen 2000; Malinowski 1999)


  • A PDF annotated template can be found in PDF that describes the stylistic specifications for HEPJ articles published in PDF

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