Incorporating Balinese Indigenous science into the classroom to promote physics education based on local wisdom


  • I Wayan Suastra Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • I Gede Arjana Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


Indigenous science is the comprehensive knowledge that incorporates local perceptions, practices, skills, cultures, and ideas and has been utilised by local communities to study natural phenomena and adapt to environmental change. There is a lot of indigenous science manifested from cultural values and local wisdom that has been passed down from generation to generation. Some of them are also acquired through the accumulation of real practices and experiences through interaction between nature and social culture. Bali, as one of the places in Indonesia, has long been recognised for its traditions and local values, which have served as the basis for the Balinese people's way of life. The Balinese local wisdom represented in the form of art, ideology and local custom (awig-awig) contains both cultural value and scientific knowledge. By integrating this local wisdom into the classroom, such as serving as the content in the physics education curriculum, will benefit both the students and science teachers. The local wisdom-based physics learning process that students go through will be able to provide contextual learning and accelerate the process of concept comprehension development. It also offers the opportunity for students to learn and preserve the original cultural value and identity contained in their own local wisdom. Apart from that, the integration of indigenous knowledge in terms of local wisdom into physics education also strengthens and fosters the development of students’ character based on the local wisdom values.


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Author Biography

  • I Wayan Suastra, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

    I Wayan Suastra is a Professor of Science Education at the Ganesha University of Education. He is the alumnus of the Indonesian University of Education.  His education and research is focused on physics, ranging from guided inquiry learning and problem-based learning, to using technology and authentic assessment.  His particular speciality is on situating local wisdom of Bali into physics education and their implications.  He is also involved in investigating and implementing science programs in junior school on developing critical thinking about local cultural concerns.  


