Student panel: How would you like physics education to evolve?


  • ICPE 2022


As successful educators we know the value of hearing the student voice. This panel will highlight the thoughts of physics students from around the globe. Questions addressed by the panel will include:

  • What is one thing you would keep and one thing you would change in your physics education?
  • What do you see as the advantages and pitfalls of online learning?
  • Do you feel that your physics education has prepared you well for your future?

This panel will comprise of students at different stages of their education from around the world.


Kate Jackson, The University of New South Wales, Australia


Tracy Bu, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Emma Collins, The University of New South Wales, Australia

Anna Klampfer, Technical University of Vienna, Austria

Dwika Sarnia Putri, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

Arnoldas Solovjovas, Vilnius University, Lithuania


