Notes on the Context of Ada Cambridge's The Perversity of Human Nature


  • Susan Lever The University of Sydney
  • Elizabeth Morrison


Ada Cambridge, The Perversity of Human Nature, Melbourne, colonial fiction, Aesthetic Movement, Henry Gullett, David Watterston


This note gives biographical background to the publication of Cambridge's short novel, The Perversity of Human Nature and considers some of its references to the Aesthetic Movement and to St Kilda in the 1880s.

Author Biographies

  • Susan Lever, The University of Sydney
    Susan Lever is an Honorary Associate at the University of Sydney. Her books include Real Relations: The Feminist Politics of Form in Australian Fiction (ASAL/Halstead, 2000) and David Foster: The Satirist of Australia (Cambria Press, 2008).
  • Elizabeth Morrison
    Elizabeth Morrison is a historian, biographer and editor. She edited Ada Cambridge's The Black Sheep and A Woman's Friendship for the UNSW Press Colonial Texts Series. She is an authority on the Australian newspaper press, and has recently finished a biography of the newspaper editor, David Syme.


How to Cite

Notes on the Context of Ada Cambridge’s The Perversity of Human Nature. (2014). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 13(3).