Vincent Buckley as Colleague
Vincent BuckleyAbstract
In 1956, Vin Buckley was in England, so I did not meet him in my first year there. But at the NSV’s - the Newman Society’s - Summer School he was an almost mythological key founding member. As an undergraduate, I had only one tutorial from him, and he didn’t lecture to our year, or teach in the seminars I attended in my combined English and History honours year. But as a tutor (1961 – 1966 and 1976 – 1980) I went to most of the lectures so central to his wonderful teaching and influence. I want to concentrate here on my personal experience of him as a colleague. In that role, I found him to be a great teacher and exemplar, and discerningly generous to junior and other staff and students.Downloads
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Vincent Buckley as Colleague. (2010). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature.