Vance Palmer, Short Fiction and Australian Magazine Culture in the 1920s


  • Roger Osborne University of Queensland


Vance Palmer, Bulletin, Triad, Australian Journal


Behind the books that serve most critics and biographers as signposts to the development of Vance Palmer’s short fiction, another sequence of events is found in the newspapers and magazines to which he contributed.  In addition to the stories for which he is best-known, he published hundreds more in Australian periodicals. This article considers Palmer’s career through his contributions to the Bulletin, the Triad and the Australian Journal.   Palmer might be best-known as a representative figure in Australia’s literary culture, but he is also one of the most representative figures of the magazine culture of his time.

Author Biography

  • Roger Osborne, University of Queensland
    Roger Osborne is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Australian Studies Centre, University of Queensland. He is currently writing a book on Australian magazine culture in the 1920s.





How to Cite

Vance Palmer, Short Fiction and Australian Magazine Culture in the 1920s. (2007). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 6, 49-64.