“There Is No Other World”
Country and Politics
My essay for ASAL2022 tells a story about the changes in my years of writing political papers and poetry to writing about Country and Aboriginal perspectives of philosophy. My paper explores how my writing, and the pakana community, expresses Aboriginality and connections to Country in diverse and creative ways - from caring for Country, continuing traditional practices, reviving language and dance, and contemporary art: What was happening when I wrote hard political poetry, and why this changed when my focus was taken up to look more deeply into what being Aboriginal is all about. My paper will address why Aborigines think differently, and what this means in terms of Aboriginal social and emotional wellbeing. My paper talks about the impacts Aborigines suffer from when our environments are being interfered with, and the earth is being hurt. In conclusion, my paper will be to look at the major threat to our world environment: capitalism!
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