Jocoserious ‘Ignorance Shifting’ or ‘Aestho-Psycho-Eugenics’?: Interrogating Joseph Furphy’s Bulletin ‘apprenticeship’
Joseph Furphy, colonial fiction, Bulletin, Australian English, Aborigines in FictionAbstract
Annotating Joseph Furphy’s first publication for the Bulletin raises some intriguing questions: to what extent was Furphy the product of the Bulletin writing academy, the late nineteenth century equivalent of a writing course, or to what extent was his talent sui generis? I intend to put this question to an extreme test, by reading closely his first published contribution to the Bulletin in 1889, ‘The Mythical Sundowner’.Downloads
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How to Cite
Jocoserious ‘Ignorance Shifting’ or ‘Aestho-Psycho-Eugenics’?: Interrogating Joseph Furphy’s Bulletin ‘apprenticeship’. (2013). Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 13(1).