Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- Images, figures and tables—
Call-outs appear in the text where the item should appear. Caption information should appear below the call-out. For example, [Insert Fig. 1 here] or [Fig 1 caption: Sample caption]. While images can be embedded in the text as a placeholder, please also upload separate image files during the upload process. Images should be at least 300 dpi. - Copyright and derivative materials—
It is the author/researcher’s obligation and responsibility to determine and satisfy copyright and/or other use restrictions prior to submitting materials to APESA for publication. Citations, permissions, and captions are required upon submission for all images. - File format—
The submission is a Microsoft Word file or similar, with double spacing. If submitting LaTeX source, please submit the tex source and not a compiled pdf. - Original work—
The submission has not been previously published (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). All contributors who satisfy the authorship criteria have been appropriately credited, and it is their own original work. - House style—
Article is prepared according to following requirements as closely as possible: Macquarie spelling, Oxford footnote references and style. See the style guide for specifics. - Ethics—
Any relevant approvals from a Human Research Ethics Committee have been obtained, with information regarding the approval as well as any grant disclosures included in the submission.
Articles are pieces of original research exploring a particular topic, issue, phenomenon or theory, between 3,000 and 8,000 words. You are permitted to rework a previous assignment or essay from class; this is a great chance to take your HDs further!
Articles will be reviewed by an expert in the field as well as another student. You may be asked to adjust some parts of your paper before we accept it for publication.
A review is a shorter piece which looks at a particular article, book or other work; 1,000–2,500 words. Reviews should ideally include some fresh perspective on the ideas presented in the book, presenting them critically. Avoid dogmatically airing your praise for one author or work, even if you think the work is really good. A single article is not usually enough to write an expansive review.
Like articles, reviews are reviewed (lol) by a qualified expert as well as another student. You may be asked to make changes to the piece before it can be published.
Perspectives are more like op-eds in newspapers, or feature articles in other journals. They provide a unique perspective, opinion or take on a particular topic. They are usually related to some contemporary issue, for example, how certain policies or theories might be viewed differently in the Covid era. They can be person and written in first person, or you may choose to remain more rhetorically neutral.
Did you attend an interesting seminar, talk, debate or lecture? Proceedings are abstracts that are included as a record of "happenings" in the discipline. You should get the permission of the speaker or organiser if you would like to submit an abstract for them. Abstracts should not exceed 750 words.
Letters are a miscellaneous category of non-research outputs of interest to a political economy readership. You can submit responses to papers, preliminary findings which you think are worthy of further research, student debate, etc. Letters should not exceed 1,000 words.