Style Guide

Style refers to the system of spelling, punctuation, referencing and design which is applied to an edited work. We follow Oxford style for most matters, including citation and referencing (for which we use a footnotes system). For spelling and grammar in Australian English, the Macquarie Dictionary is the authoritative source.

Oxford style is summarised by New Hart's Rules and the Oxford Guide to Style. For writing by, for or about Indigenous Australians, refer to the AIATSIS Style Guide for Authors and Editors.

At the end of the day, ensuring proper style is the responsibility of the Editors. We appreciate the efforts of authors and reviewers in having these requirements in mind when working with us.

If you are a student, you likely have access the these resources through your University's library. Otherwise, contact the editors if you have enquries.

Referencing and citations

Legal references in Oxford style are outlined in the Oxford Standard to the Citation of Legal Authorities. They are very similar to the prescriptions of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation with which most law students will be familiar.

Your references will be generated by a computer so that whichever style you use, you only need to ensure that all the necessary information is provided for each source. If you provide your sources in a .bib file, this is greatly appreciated! You can learn more about our bibliography system with these resources: