Special Announcements: International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education


Call for Papers: Special Issue of International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics
Education (IJISME) on: Humanizing Undergraduate STEM Education

IJISME is pleased to offer a special issue focusing on humanizing undergraduate STEM education, an
approach that aims to make STEM more relatable, engaging, and accessible by emphasizing the
integration of human elements into the teaching and learning process by connecting with students’
interests, experiences, and values. This special issue provides a platform for global discourse and rigorous
exploration of evidence-based practices to humanize undergraduate STEM education.
Submission topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Contextualization: placing STEM concepts within real-world contexts relevant to students’ lives
    and drawing upon students’ personal experiences and backgrounds to connect with STEM topics
  • Inclusivity and equity: investigating strategies for creating inclusive STEM environments that
    address equity and diversity to ensure students have access to and can succeed in STEM subjects
  • Flexible and adaptive teaching: examining approaches that adapt to students’ varying needs
  • Student-centered pedagogy: evaluating the impact of student-centered teaching methods (e.g.,
    problem-based learning, reflection, self-directed learning, etc.) on engagement and outcomes
  • Integrated learning: investigating the benefits of interdisciplinary and experiential learning
  • Identity construction: exploring how students’ identities are shaped within STEM disciplines
  • STEM role models: emphasizing the humans behind the discoveries and innovations to help
    students relate to the professionals as individuals
  • Affective factors: investigating the role of affective factors like emotional intelligence, empathy,
    resilience, self-efficacy, and compassion in creating supportive learning environments

Submissions parameters:

  1. Undergraduate level: focus exclusively on undergraduate education
  2. STEM disciplinary focus: address courses and curricula within science & mathematics
    disciplines (or broadly STEM)
  3. Focused on humanization: emphasis on strategies and approaches aimed at humanizing the
    learning experience
  4. Attention to educational outcomes: clearly articulate the impact of strategies or interventions on
    student learning and outcomes
  5. Methodology: quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods
  6. Submission type: original research, curriculum development and innovation, critical reviews

Manuscripts due: contact [email protected]

Guest Editors:

Emily Faulconer, Associate Professor, Department of Math, Science, and Technology, EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University; [email protected]

Stephen George-Williams, Lecturer, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney; [email protected]

Christopher Thompson, Professor, School of Biomedical Sciences, Monash University;
[email protected]