Encouraging A Gender Perspective in Science Education: A Learning Experience for Pre-Service Early Childhood Education Teachers





This work describes and evaluates a learning experience whose aim was to encourage pre-service early childhood education teachers to consider aspects of gender in science education and to begin acquiring the skills needed to design teaching strategies that promote children’s awareness of these aspects. Participants were 56 pre-service teachers whose task was to design workshops on science topics in which women scientists have made key contributions. At the outset, some of the participants showed little inclination to consider aspects of gender in the science classroom, and others did not contemplate that science and gender could be addressed in an integrated way. It was also apparent that the pre-service teachers lacked the skills needed to design activities that encompassed both scientific content and aspects of gender. Overall, the subsequent learning experience appears to have had a positive impact, although we suggest certain refinements that could lead to more satisfactory outcomes.

Author Biographies

  • Carolina Martín-Gámez, University of Málaga
    Department of Science Education, University of Malaga, 29010, Malaga, Spain
  • Alicia Fernández-Oliveras, University of Granada

    Department of Science Education, University of Granada, 18071, Granada, Spain






Research Articles