A Shared Experience of Sciences and Mathematics Teaching during the Pandemic in the Philippines: Circumnavigating Challenges into Learning Opportunities and Communal Involvement
The far-reaching consequences of the novel human coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have brought unprecedented challenges across all aspects of human endeavors, including the resonating effects on educational systems worldwide. Learners and educators have showcased their adaptability in transforming traditional teaching methodologies into new strategies and modalities. This article outlines the collective efforts of the sciences and mathematics educators at the National University Philippines, and, in part, at Centro Escolar University, Manila in responding to the pressing need to innovate learning platforms and approaches during the pandemic. Moreover, this article describes the immediate effects of institutional policies and how resilience and preparedness transform challenges into opportunities. A reflection on integrating historical, social, and cultural lessons and dimensions into science and mathematics teaching to incorporate a sense of identity and to provide contextual and synchronizing examples to the concepts is also herein provided. Educators find strength in shared experiences and communal involvement during the pandemic to circumnavigate the struggles and difficulties, viewing them as opportunities and further elevating science and mathematics education using the lens of scientific, historical, and sociocultural inquiry.