"Crossing the Chasm" of Curricular Reform: BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium Invites CAL-laboration
John R. Jungck
The BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium supports and encourages innovation in bioscience education through the development, distribution, and field testing of computer based curricular materials that have been designed to help students learn long-term strategies of research. BioQUEST is an acronym for Quality Undergraduate Educational Simulations and Tools in Biology, reflecting its initial focus on the development of curricular resources for biology educators through The BioQUEST Library. The Curriculum Consortium emphasizes investigatory and collaborative learning strategies for problem solving in the biological sciences. To these ends, workshops for faculty development, multiple presentations, and publications by staff and collaborators are provided each year. A communication network for committed educators is maintained by the organization
The University of Sydney acknowledges that its campuses and facilities sit on the ancestral lands of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander peoples, who have for thousands of generations exchanged knowledge for the benefit of all.
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