Written Reflection Influences Science Students’ Perceptions of Their Own and Their Peers’ Teamwork and Related Employability Skills





The impact of written reflection on tertiary students’ self-efficacy, and corresponding evaluation of their peers’ abilities, is often imprecise and lacking in clarity. This study thus sought to assess the effects of a written reflective diary on science undergraduates’ teamwork-related and other employability skills. Employability skills, in particular students’ teamwork-related skills, are crucial to students’ career development and progression. Assessment was carried out using a series of pre- and post-reflection online surveys, the TeamQ assessment rubric, and student focus groups. Participants identified five key teamwork skills, the importance of which remained constant over time. Written reflection had a significant, positive effect on students’ self-efficacy of their oral communication skills. Students’ written reflections were also important in shaping their perceptions about the domain of fostering a team climate, both in terms of their own self-efficacy and perceptions of their peers’ abilities. This study has interesting implications for future research into science students’ teamwork and other employability skills.

Author Biographies

Thomas J. Hiscox, Monash University

School of Biological Sciences

Theo Papakonstantinou, Monash University

School of Biological Sciences

Gerry M. Rayner, Swinburne University of Technology

Learning Transformations Unit






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