Development and implementation of the Queensland Physics 2019 Syllabus
The introduction of the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) in 2020 was the biggest change in Queensland's senior curriculum and assessment system in almost fifty years, which also saw the implementation of a new Physics syllabus as part of a suite of seven new science syllabuses. Along with the introduction of a 50% external assessment, this syllabus included three new summative internal assessment techniques – data test, student experiment and research investigation.
This paper outlines factors considered by officers and other stakeholders of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) in the development of the new Queensland Physics syllabus. By using student data and data from the QCAA’s quality assurance processes following implementation, key measures of success are discussed. The benefits and challenges of using a common framework for all senior sciences are also considered by comparing assessment outcomes for Biology and Physics.