Outcomes of the Chemistry Discipline Network Mapping Exercises
Madeleine Schultz
James Mitchell Crow
School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Science and Engineering Faculty
Queensland University of Technology
Glennys O'Brien
School of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Wollongong
The Chemistry Discipline Network has recently completed two distinct mapping exercises. The first is a snapshot of chemistry taught at 12 institutions around Australia in 2011. There are certain similarities but also major differences in the content taught and assessed at different institutions. There are also important differences in both delivery, particularly laboratory contact hours, and forms and weightings of assessment. The second mapping exercise maps the chemistry degrees at three institutions to the Threshold Learning Outcomes for chemistry. Importantly, some of the TLOs are addressed by multiple units at all institutions while others are not met or met at an introductory level only. The exercise also exposed some challenges in using the TLOs as currently written.
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