Transnational Examination of STEM Education


  • Rachel Sarah Sheffield Curtin University
  • Rekha Koul Curtin University
  • Susan Blackley Curtin University
  • Ella Fitriani Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Yuli Rahmawati
  • Diane Resek San Francisco State University


STEM in its multiple forms (STEAM, STEMM) has been presented as a solution for many of the world’s problems. If its hype is to be believed, it is through the power of STEM and the creation of STEM or S.T.E.M scientists, technologists, mathematicians and engineers that the world economy will be restored; and global issues can be addressed. Whilst it is easy to get caught up in the locally created hype around STEM and the creation of a STEM pipeline, it is pertinent and timely to examine the current status and trends of STEM education across the world at the school and tertiary levels. In this paper a team of STEM educators explores the context of STEM within their respective countries, and together it is hoped that a clearer, shared view of STEM education is developed, and a future for STEM education is imagined. This paper examines the state of STEM education in four countries: Australia, India, Indonesia and the United States of America (USA). Expert STEM educators from each country reflect on how STEM education is currently viewed and implemented in their country, drawing on the legislation and funding focus and using local data to predict how the future will unfold for STEM education.

Author Biography

  • Rachel Sarah Sheffield, Curtin University
    School of Education, Lecturer






Research Articles